Published 'Open Mic'
Open Mic was published in
Open Mic was published in
The Sinclair Years began for me with the ZX81, continued with the ZX Spectrum 48k, and ended with the ZX Spectrum 128. Each machine was more capable than the last, and each used the same shoebox ca...
A Superposition of Eigenstates was published in
Sinclair Research created the hardware, and the Timex Corporation manufactured it. The box was a small, black, injection-moulded wedge. Its keyboard was a pressure-sensitive membrane. A cheap strip...
Scars was published in
Eventually, the council relented and provided us with a house. After the cramped living within two rooms at my Nana’s flat, we now had seven (including two toilets: one upstairs and one down). To c...
Cinders was published in
Soon after the incident with the lady at the end of the bed, I undertook a solo adventure to the cellar of the tenement. The five of us lived in a one-bedroom flat in a granite tenement. My brothe...
#itsnotmurderiftheywanttodieanyway was published in
I am four years old and we live with my nana. I don’t know why we no longer stay in London with my granny. My finger healed and no longer hurts. The scar is bright red. Five of us live in a one-be...