Ideas Above My Station
You told me I had ideas above my station to put me in my place. You had already judged me, sentenced me, and incarcerated me inside a place you thought I belonged.
I’ve never had, nor will I ever have, a station.
To those who think in terms of stations; those who pigeon-hole people based on their confirmation biases; those who are arrogant enough to dictate where people should be. To you I say: look around.
Are you unwittingly imprisoned within a station of your own making? Have you become stuck in your opinions and patterns of thought? Do people make you angry for wanting to improve themselves and move forward? Are you searching for things to ridicule? Do you feel better about yourself when you put someone “in their place”?
Those people that ignore your judgement will surpass you. You won’t even notice as they fly past. You won’t believe they have the strength to leave the place where you had banished them. As you look back, you’ll see them as dim silhouettes, each a shadow projected to where you think they ought to be. As long as you are stuck, you’ll never realise that they have escaped.
That they left you behind.
If stations exist in a person’s life, they won’t be prisons and they won’t be places to get stuck within. Instead, they’ll be temporary rest areas, places to pass through on the way to somewhere else. A place to inhabit for a while before picking a new destination.
A place where you choose to look forward.
In each way-station (including the ones you think to banish me), I look forward to the next connection on my journey. I’ll find another way-station and another. Each step will take me forward, each idea I have will push my limits and make me be, or aspire to be, more than I am.
What you have failed to realise is that it has nothing to do with stations. They don’t matter at all.
To those that are on their own journey; those that attempt to stretch themselves and strive to be better than who they are; those that have a desire to make that continual personal growth and change; to those who dream and have ideas and search for something new, to you, I say: see you along the way.